It starts around Mark 12:13 and it’s one of my favorite stories because it’s Jesus talking about personal finance.
They tried to catch Jesus saying something negative about Caesar so they could finally lock Him up. So they ask Him what He thought about paying taxes. Jesus looked at the coin and asked who’s face was on it. “Caesar’s,” they replied. Jesus then drops one of the best comebacks:
Mark 12:17: And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at Him.
I love this because it’s a great moment of clarity that our duty to our government is only limited to the system THEY have created.
We dont have to become burdened and stressed out by the economy, this is only a PART of our lives.
God has a bigger plan for you outside of the day to day 9-5 grind. A plan for abundance and everlasting joy. A plan for you to prosper and have eternal life.
This passage seems small to some but when you really look at it, it’s very liberating.