Time Well-“Spent”

Most chase material wealth… but material wealth is always fleeting… someone will always have a bigger house or faster car… the latest cell phones is a dinosaur after 3 years and clothes will always go out of “style”.
(peep J.Cole’s “Love Yours”)

So why chase your tail going in circles?
People steady losing (and winning) the WRONG game.
Chase true wealth… TIME!

That’s why they take your time away when you commit a crime… the adult version of timeout.
Time is more valuable than money, because it cannot be replaced, counterfeited or duplicated. We confuse the way we spend money with the way we spend time because of vocabulary…

We say “spend money” but we should say “circulate money”. Spend means to exhaust, as in, once it’s gone, it’s gone. “Spend” is lower-class vocabulary.

Instead you should “circulate” money. Money is currency… currents… energy… energy never dies…

When you circulate money, it carries the same concept of investing it… it means it’s coming back to you, mostly compounded.
The wealthy circulate money not only because of their mindset about what they are purchasing but also because most of the wealthy get their income from INVESTMENTS.

Catch that? If not, spend some time re-reading and researching what I’m saying. Did you catch that too? I said “spend some time”. You truly spend time because it’s not coming back.

The hack for that is instead of saying “spend time”, say “invest time”!

When you start thinking about where you’re investing time, you’ll start taking control of your life and begin living on purpose.

Don’t invest your time arguing with people that cannot take you where you want to go in life. Don’t invest your time entertaining drama or bad habits… these are all examples of throwing time away.

RELATED POST:   The American Dream is based on Credit! 

Time well-“spent”:
Time with those you’d regret not seeing again.
Time invested traveling the world, gaining new life experiences without worrying about your job, bills or the kids because they’re traveling with you.
Time helping those less fortunate and being a positive impact in your community.

It’s time to start living life on purpose to find your purpose!

Jerry, how do you expect me to do that when… (insert legitimate excuse here)
First, you have to live life with no excuses! The legitimate excuses are the ones that kill our dreams. Just remember that God has already positioned Himself to provide all that you need. (Psalm 23:1)

Most just need to break their financial chains so they can breathe again.

To get your TIME back, you can either live off the grid and live off the land


Learn how to play AND win the right game! You need to invest your time and money to reap a harvest in the future. You can’t eat the fruit of labor never sown.

You have to gain multiple income steams, lower your taxes (they take a third of your money off-gate), acquire assets that appreciate, run business systems that work for you day and night and you have to gain knowledge that will allow you to increase your value anywhere on God’s green earth…

All it takes is a few clicks you know where to find me….

Jerry Goins

PS: Join the team!