The Call

The future-me called… I didn’t recognize the voice at first… full of static… the quality cut me like a rusty sword across my ear. I knew it was me because caller ID had the business name I’ve only seen in my dreams, locked deep in a vault only quantum cryptographers could hack if given a lifetime.

Through the static the message was clear… It said, “Climb the crystal stairs forget the glass elevator. The strength you’ll gain through the muscle-burning pain will keep you in the game…”

But I always wanted to see the view from the elevator… and have the world see me. Knowing all I’ve been through to get there, all the haters and naysayers would be sick!

The “me” on the other end must have known my thoughts because just as I completed the last one I heard, “See, the elevator wasn’t built to help you succeed just make you weak and just because people can see, it won’t make them believe… only takes one person to mastermind a plot to take what you’ve got and it’s over for you.”

He kept babbling on and at this point I just wanted to go back to sleep… still wondering if this was just a dream but I started listening again when he said this… “You have to understand these few things if you want to survive. True strength doesn’t need to be praised to be felt, move like a lone wolf but always show the pack how to hunt. Not everyone in your corner wants the same things you want. So not everyone will see the same vision you see, and be happy for every challenging thing. You see, each thing gives you a chance to quit but when you do the opposite you will always win. I need you to believe!” The voice crackled with sincerity I’m sure it wasn’t the static.

“And I do and am thankful for you reaching out and keeping me uplifted, cant wait to be a legend like you soon but I’ve got a million questions… How far in the future are you? Have you been to places I have written down in my journal? Are you a billionaire earner? I’ve got a million questions…”

There was a deep breath on the other end then silence that I dared not to cut but the tension was finally released… “Listen carefully… I’m the product of what happened when you gave up. The business that you built could have gone global… now bankrupt… because… you lost your focus on your why and started focusing on the other side. They were on that flashy-ness, but they didn’t know wealth. You revealed your vision to them one night in a braggadocios rant about how you are going to be so rich… they stole it, now they’re the billionaires and you’re sick, stricken with grief, defeat and all the possibilities of what you could have done for your family. Now they are suffering too, in poverty. It’s a different kind of homelessness in the future… if they see you ain’t an owner they shoot you, and the guns they have are brutal, they’ll tear straight through you. When the beam hits, the last thing you hear is a thud, but it’s so hot it seals the wound instantly so they don’t have to clean up blood. I’m on your death bed now they never got to us but the stress of regret hurts worse than you can imagine. But thank God for this machine… I was able to call you and tell you to live for me… You will regret the life you live if you continue down that street… always remember what I…”

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CLICK then a hiss and busy sound…

I jumped up from my bed, phone in hand and looked around… I felt like someone had to be playing joke… ain’t no way my future self just called and basically told me stay woke! I looked back at my phone and clicked the recents list… only as soon as I did the phone just quit!

A blank screen looked back at me in the dark, my heart sank then I panicked because if I couldn’t power it back on, how would I know if it was really me… or just a dream… It wouldn’t power on or even charge even though I hold myself a tech in some regard… maybe it was a sign…

A cold chill came over as I laid back down and slowly found cover… I woke up and lived the rest of my life in wonder… Never quitting what I started. Staying focused on my target… Can’t believe I almost threw it all away chasing clouds instead of the sky… chasing my reflection instead of introspection…

Funny how your life can change because of a prank call… or was it really… me? Or a just a dream…