The BEST Time to Be ALIVE… Is NOW!

This is truly the best time to be alive!


Because for the first time in history, the average person has access to the same resources as the wealth… and for most people it’s overlooked yet used on a day to day, hour by hour basis!

Yes, I’m talking about the INTERNET!


We live in a CONNECTED ECONOMY now.

The largest taxi service Uber owns NO TAXIS!

The largest accommodations provider Air-BnB owns NO HOTELS!

The largest movie provider Netflix owns NO STORES!

The world’s wealthiest individual owns an online store, Amazon!

OK, OK Jerry, we get the point, so what’s that mean for ME? I mean I have the internet but how do I get like the the wealthy?

Well, first of all… you gotta understand…


And each level carries a new investment of time and or money and or personal growth!

You gotta me HUNGRY!

But Jerry, I don’t have a lot of money…

Wait… you have the INTERNET… But you don’t have $50???

All you need is $50 to join my team and get your position to earn weekly and monthly paychecks! Use the extra money to increase your credit score, travel more, and save BIG time on your taxes… plus get $200-$500 extra from your job! I’ll tell you more right but I don’t want to make it sound too good to be true…

BUT, You have to find a way to get paid on a different level. On a level where people you don’t even know are paying you. That’s when your wealth becomes UNSTOPPABLE!

RELATED POST:   How to Get an 800+ Credit Score in 30 Minutes!

Think about it, when you buy Nike’s, how many people are you really paying? The there over 30 MILLION of shares of their stock out there… that’s unstoppable wealth.

I’m going to give you the same opportunity to get paid from people you will never meet. In this CONNECTED ECONOMY, you can now get paid using viral marketing where you are literally connected to thousands of transactions happening in your organization and are getting paid every time someone buys something!

First of all, no, this isn’t a pyramid scheme, you should check out my post on PYRAMIDS lol. But it is a SCHEME (a plan) to get MONEY (a tool) to help you achieve your dreams faster.

Stop playing and let’s get this connected money!

Join Jerry and the YGM team: Here!