Tesla Vs Edison… The Inventor Vs The Entrepreneur

Nikola Tesla, born in 1856, wanted to provide free power and communication to help make the world a better place for everyone. 

– Came to America in 1884 (age 28)
– Sold generator patents to Westinghouse in 1888 (age 32)
– Millionaire by 1890, worth $25 million in today’s money (age 34)
– Invented radio in 1893 (age 37)
– Designed the first hydroelectric power plant in Niagara Falls and powered New York in 1896 (age 40)
– Finally featured in Time Magazine and recognized for his genius in 1931 (age 75)
– Died penniless in 1943 but should have been the world’s richest man (age 87)

On the other hand, Thomas Edison was more of an entrepreneur than an inventor… he once noted that he didn’t have to be a mathematician when you can just hire one. He actually hired Tesla but he didn’t even pay him the reward for improving his DC generator… Edison was all about profits, he never wanted free energy for all. He even said once that if he couldn’t sell it he didn’t want to invent it! After Edison stole from Tesla and later admitted that he has stolen before but he knew how to steal and that’s what gave him the advantage. More quotes here.

Edison wasn’t the only one that owed Tesla… even though George Westinghouse (yes founder of the Westinghouse electric co) made Tesla a millionaire by today’s standards, he owed Tesla millions more! But because Westinghouse was already on the verge of bankruptcy Tesla ripped up the royalty contract. Even by conservative estimates, he should have become the richest person on the planet and the first person with a $1 billion net worth. Had he not ripped up that contract to receive royalties from Westinghouse, today those same AC motor royalties would generate billions of dollars every year for Tesla’s relatives.
Never give up on your dreams so quickly! Why are you ready to give up after your first failure? Ready to throw in the towel when the first person calls you crazy or that you will never make it?
Seeking instant recognition is not a requirement to become an important part of history. Tesla didn’t get recognized until his 70s’ but you want a pat on the back every time you accomplish a milestone? That’s why, personally, I do that which pleases God, not for self-glory.
Sometimes you have so sacrifice yourself for the benefit for society as a whole.
Developing skills as master negotiator and businessperson is very important… that would have made it so Tesla could have still contributed and not died penniless at the same time!

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You can be businessman and live rich but don’t be a conman with poor spirit.
You can be a genius and your inventions can serve others but also be a businessperson or your inventions will never serve you!
You don’t have to be a genius to make millions… as long as you leverage the work of others which isn’t necessarily a bad thing… but you sacrifice the dignity of both parties when you take advantage of people that rightfully deserve there fair share.

That’s all the mental download you get for now lol.

Oh and shout out to Elon Musk, one of my favorite entrepreneurs, for naming his car company after Telsa because of that the name will definitely live on forever.

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