Lexington Law is (was) the largest credit repair organization in the country! Owned by Progrexion Marketing, that also owns CreditRepair.com and other brands, they are the dominant provider of credit repair services to U.S. consumers. So when a top company goes bankrupt it kinda makes you go hmmm?? The irony here is that Lexington Law filing for bankruptcy after helping millions of people fight bankruptcies off their credit report….
Our company, Novae LLC, on the other hand has reached the recognition of one of the country’s fastest growing companies for 3 YEARS RUNNING! If you are looking for credit and debt help or another way to earn money in the financial services arena, let’s dive deeper.
This all started in 2019 when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) filed a lawsuit against Lexington Law, PGX Holdings, and Related Entities. See article here
The 2 strikes they had against Lexington Law were 1) they were telemarketing AND collecting payments for credit repair services before they were completed (apparently both at the same time is a no-no) and 2) using deceptive marketing and “bait advertising”.
The penalty they were seeking was over $3 billion dollars!
Exerpt from filing:
“Between March 8, 2016 and March 31, 2023, Defendants took approximately $3.1 billion from more than four million consumers in violation of the Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”), 16 C.F.R. § 310.4(a)(2). The time has come for Defendants to return that money to the consumers they unlawfully charged, cease their illegal billing practices, and pay penalties for their misconduct.”
5 Reasons Novae is growing while Lexington Law is falling off:
1: One big reason Novae is taking off is because we take care of our customers! An A+ rating with the BBB isn’t an easy task for a financial services company! Lexington Law holds a C- rating. All this really means is Novae’s customers don’t have to resort to filing complaints to get their issues resolved!

2: Another reason Lexington Law is falling off is because interest rates are high right now and less people are making credit based decisions! This means that credit repair companies feel the slump in sales along with car dealers, mortgage brokers and real estate agents…
Novae is different because our focus isn’t JUST credit! We have many other ways to help people financially! Debt help, funding and financial literacy to name a few!
You know the saying… “Never put all your eggs in one basket!”
3: Novae is a Fintech company! This basically means we use technology to deliver financial services! This reduces the cost of doing business and we pass the savings over to our customers! This also means there’s far less strain on our resources to service clients even if we had to change our revenue model like Lexington Law was forced to do! Technology allows us to be innovative and creative with our approach to the marketplace.
4: People were complaining that Lexington Law services were slow! Why? Because they only dispute a couple items at a time. Novae’s credit partner and software disputes all negatives at once! That’s why we offer a 6 month guarantee on our service! That means if there are no deletions in your first 6 months, you get a FULL REFUND! We have every intention on helping you reach your credit goals instead of stringing you along for years like the other companies do.
5: Lexington Law also “allegedly” knowingly used deceptive marketing like “guarantee[d] ANYONE a 0-3.5% Down Home Loan no matter how bad their Credit is when we start”. Novae has thousands of affiliates however we have heavy compliance measures and internal penalties for deceptive marketing. We also follow guidelines to market effectively within the law… we learned well from the UWE shutdown in 2022 and other credit companies.
This wasn’t intended to be a bash session, it is very unfortunate that over 3,000 people instantly lost their jobs. It’s also unfair that Lexington Law’s customers still need reliable and trustworthy help with their credit!
I think I’m biased since I have been a Novae affiliate for years, but I think we truly have one of the most powerful financial empowerment systems in the country! We help people gain a platform where they can earn money by offering the services and we of course offer consumers a place to go to get financial services like credit and debt help!
Check out my link at novaemoney.com/goinsfinancial and text me your questions (910-367-525eight) so I can help you get started either as a customer or an affiliate or both!
See you on the inside!

Jerry Goins
CEO and President, Goins Financial, LLC
PS: Check out our free credit masterclass here: mycreditmasterclass.com