Let Your Ambition Find Your Love

Never become more focused on finding your next boo than finding yourself. If you feel like you are always behind trying to play “catch up”, this is probably the cause.

PSA from experience: If you chase yourself and your own goals, your ambition will attract the person that you need to complete your mission.

Why? Because you’ll likely meet them while they are on the same mission!

Us before Salsa lessons at the Calico room… Didn’t take an aftershot bc we both were hurting lol midday workout

Examples: at the church, the chamber of commerce, the registrar of deeds, a real estate auction, the print shop, a volunteering event, art exhibition, trade show, dance club (if you are someone that really dances for life not one of those people that just show up for drinks and drama…) or even just playing Xbox online if that’s your thing lol.

But don’t worry if you haven’t met that one yet. Just keep adding value and skills to your belt instead of bodies lol and watch what ends up happening when you start properly supporting your passion.

SN: The best fruit is at the top of the tree for a reason… because nobody has reached that high yet…

#morningrant #teamnosleep #REALationshipgoals #imgoin

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