Just Got a Great Deal!

[video_box video_url=”https://youtu.be/6L2o7km5N2s”]

Novae Perks is a savings center for Novae members that allows us to save on products and services from your favorite stores!  You also get points from each purchase that you can redeem later for things like giftcards and vacations.  We saved a member $1,200 on a used car with our True Car affiliation, and she also got enough points to take her family on a free vacation!  I like shopping online at discount and then picking my items up at the closest store for less than if I would pay if I just walked in.  This is just a perk of the business we have A LOT more to offer!

Join with the person showing you this video or go to https://jerrygoins.com/biz to work with me personally.

You are where you are in life as a result of the decisions you’ve made. The power to make this life-changing decision is yours, why wait? No one has become successful in life by just testing the water… you gotta go ALL IN! Join today!

If you have what it takes to become in independent marketer and live the Novae Life, email, call or text me and I will add you to our Facebook group and you can meet our team! Let’s do this!

Standing by,
Jerry Goins
Call or Text: 910-367-525eight
Email: jerry(at)jerrygoins.com
Facebook Search: Roddy J

Income Disclosure: Results not typical. This is not a job opportunity and you are never guaranteed to earn money.

Get more info and sign up here: https://jerrygoins.com/biz

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