Excuses Do Not Pay The Bills! Use This Instead…

The law of averages always helps me to get the bigger picture… to put it simply if you sell a product that gave you $1,000 profit to 1,000 people you will make $1 million dollars. So if you have to talk to 10 people to get a $1,000 sale… you have to talk to 10,000 people to make $1 million dollars…
Some stop there like HOLLLD UP…. 10,000 people!?
First of all I dont have time…
Second, I dont even like people…
Third, Im not good at sales….
Fourth of all, I hate sales…
Fifth, see number 4 LOL
Granted there are a million ways to make a million dollars… if you want to be a millionaire (which there are over 14 million millionaire households in America) you have to do something that 89% of Americans are NOT doing.
If you are happy being mediocre that’s totally OK, as long as you are happy that’s OK. This is for those that want to BEAT the system. You have to go the extra mile, put in the extra work, discipline your mindset, habits and work ethic that much more than you have been taught before.
To talk to 10,000 people you could talk to:
1 person everyday for 27.3 years
5 people everyday for 5.4 years
10 people everyday for 3.7 years
Sounds like fun right? But listen only a small percent of people work longer than that to retire with $100,000 OR LESS.
But what if you did what the wealthy do and use LEVERAGE.
You have access to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and all these social platforms that allow you to advertise to MILLIONS of people for FREE! Now, you may have to reach 100 views on a video to make 1 sale but you can make that 1 video work for you forever… that’s LEVERAGE!
You also LEVERAGE a team to help you build!
That’s what your job is doing to you. They are using your effort to make $100-$500/hour while they pay you $10/hour.
Let’s say you had 5 people helping you. You paid them $500 out of your $1000 profit and you did NO extra work.
They would only need to talk with 400 each for you to still make 1 million dollars!
Each one would have to talk to:
1 person everyday for a little over a year.
5 people a day for a little less than 3 months
10 people a day for 1.3 months
And you will make $1 million in a fraction of the time of using your own effort… remember, you did NOTHING.
One thing I’ve learned is that SALES is the highest paid profession in the world… so why not build a SALES TEAM and get paid when they produce money for themselves??
That’s what network marketing and MLM is all about. It takes the concepts the wealthy are using and makes these concepts available to YOU for a small monthly fee which typically gives you access to services you can use at the same time.
We have a business here with Novae Money where anyone can get started for $1 (for a limited time) then $50/mo and puts you in line to earn anywhere from $20 to $400 per sale that happens in your team, whether you make the sale or someone on your team does! There’s even a start up bonus where you can earn over $1500 in your first 30 days!
The only thing holding most people back is the 5 things I spoke about earlier… but these are all excuses you overcome daily on your job, right?
First, you already don’t have time… you could be spending 40 hours more per week with your family.
Second, most people don’t like their co-workers or customers… but you still show up.
Third, most people aren’t good at their job on the first day but you keep getting better and better at it.
Fourth, most people hate their job… but again, you still show up!
Fifth, well… see #4
All Im saying is that excuses don’t pay your bills and for sure excuses have never made anyone wealthy!
Ask the person that invited you for the info you need to get started and let’s help you on your journey to success!