ATCG – How To Type Your DNA Code… Never Stop Evolving

If you type 60 words per minute for 8 hours a day…
It would take you 50 years to type your entire genetic DNA code! 😮
So why do we stop typing after high school or college…
After having kids, after marriage…
After a “failed” attempt at one of your life goals…
Fact is, if you stop re-defining who you are… you may never find out just what your true potential in life is!
You are so much more than 16 years of schooling.
More than that terrible relationship you were in.
Much more than a model employee…
There are many, many things you have yet to discover about yourself so never get discouraged about where you are in life because your story is only just beginning!

A – adenine – Average of 5 people you hang around most
T – thymine – The who are you? who do you want to be? the go getter, the motivator, the counselor, professions the dj, the engineer, the architect the director, the stylist
C – cytosine – Character – Are you wise? caring? patient? diligent? loyal? friendly? or the opposite ignorant? greedy? impatient? doubtful? unfaithful? 
G – guanine – Go – Where are you going? what are you doing? What actions are you taking to be who or what you want to be? This is one of the most important elements in defining who you are because actions speak louder than words. To use an example from earlier you can say you are a go getter but what are you go getting? is it just lip service or are you actually taking action. 
Ask Eric Thomas would say you gotta move from that I and get to the A… that means move off the Idea and get to the Action
Everyone has Ideas but people are defined by what the did!
I hope that helped someone
Keep learning. Keep evolving. Keep “typing”.
Remember, “There are Never Limits to what you can achieve when you have a vision
and vision is what you see with your eyes closed and mind open.”
#writersblock #neverlimits
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