Ask Yourself This CRITICAL Question…

That critical question is…

Are you fighting to remain average?

It’s important to think critically if you want to take things to a new level in your life.

Remember this, your brain wants to keep things the same. For example, your body temp… if its hot outside, your body sweats to cool it down and if it’s cold you shiver to warm back up.

The same thing happens when you are given the opportunity to make a lifestyle change… to do something above average. Your brain subconsciously fights to remain at the same status-quo and makes the decision for you to keep you living the same lifestyle.

You have to force-ably take the emotion out of major decisions and weigh the actual pros and cons, not just the cost and risk.

Average people have jobs, only 3 out of 10 people have businesses and even less invest. Yet everyone on the Forbes top 100 that didn’t inherit their money has a business or invests.

No one has ever accidentally become successful, they all make above average risks and manage the outcome successfully.

I never thought I’d be visiting caves in the Bahamas or meeting with millionaires in the mountains of Georgia but I’ve done these things this year because I said yes to opportunity.

I didn’t succumb to excuses to remain mediocre and I’m glad that the circle of people that I have now also have such leadership skills that keep me sharp!

Average people make average decisions and get average results. Don’t be average! –

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