Are you Growing or Just Going?

are you growing or just goingAre you growing or just going??

When you are about to change your life,
your path immediately starts moving in a different direction.

At this point, you usually feel a little discomfort,
but since you don’t know why, you may never actually make a change
and stay in your comfort zone.

This is actually your fight or flight reflex kicking in to help you react
to change.  The excess adrenaline might give you, what some call,
butterflies in your tummy…  But have you forgotten that you can fly??

My thing is, with all the education, knowledge and wisdom you have,
most of you are fighting to remain the same person you’ve always been.

With all those butterflies in your stomach,
you fight to remain in a chrysalis, instead of breaking through and flying??growth

So, when I ask, are you GROWING or just GOING,
it’s to get you to really think about your path.

Most of us are just going through the motions.
Same path as last year, same issues with the same people,
same job, same income, same dreams never realized…

Personally, I’ve been there, fighting to remain the same person I’ve
always been. But now, I’m very excited about my new path and
I’m excited for the people that decide to fly with me…

Wouldn’t you rather be GROWING instead of just going?
When you grow, you accumulate new knowledge, new friends,
new career goals, new income… and new WINGS!

Isn’t it time to FLY?? Take the lead of your life and income!
Click here for more info.

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