No seriously. Why do we even work?
“Because I need money… duhh!”
LOL that’s the easy answer… but the real answer is much deeper than that and can free you once you figure it out.
Here are the 4 reasons:
1. To learn a new skill or trade.
2. To maintain your current lifestyle.
3. To pay off debt.
4. To fund your business or startup…
Notice one of the reasons wasn’t: To Get Wealthy
To attain wealth you will have to control an asset that works for you.
While you eat it’s working…
While you sleep it’s working…
While you are with your family… still workin’
If you are sick in bed… still workin’
If you don’t feel like working… still at work!
Listen money can make money faster and cheaper than you can! Your labor is actually taxed higher than investments!
you are in control a very lucrative asset that works for you!
Best Regards,
Jerry Goins
910-367-5258 (cell)